Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Hurry Up: 30 Rock

I was about to say the same thing about 30 Rock that I said about Community, that the season's threads haven't really started to come together yet, but are there really threads? Avery is trapped in North Korea, but a captured North Korean spy might know how to get her out. Liz is still with Criss, and they've discussed having a discussion about maybe adopting a baby. Jenna's sexual walkabout is over and she's back with Paul. Kenneth is a janitor now. I really feel like this season could end without any of these things colliding with each other...but you never know.

It's become a little difficult to separate seasons of 30 Rock (can you honestly believe this is the sixth season? SIXTH!) since there aren't the types of storylines or events that can differentiate them, even though Liz's boyfriends should make it doable. This has also made any decline in the show equally difficult to notice until you catch an old repeat on Comedy Central. It's not a horrific shadow of its former self or anything, it's just a joke-a-moment pop culture megaforce that could never have sustained that momentum forever and should be lauded for remaining solid and true to its ideals. Pretty much the best case scenario for what Arrested Development would've turned into after six seasons if we're going to be honest with ourselves.

  • Best Episode So Far: "Hey, Baby, What's Wrong" because I'm going to pretend I got this done before last Thursday's live episode (like I meant to)
  • Worst Episode So Far: "The Tuxedo Begins" but I should stress it was hard to find an episode I legitimately disliked. They all had something I enjoyed in them (such as "normaling" in this one). Maybe it's just because I saw the Batman Begins references coming early on and expected more from them after Community's homages.
  • MVP Candidate: Alec Baldwin as Jack Donaghy (again)
  • Rookie of the Year Candidate: James Marsden as Criss
  • Best Moment So Far: Have to go with Dennis telling Criss the ending to the "Lez movie" they were watching on Showtime and having it turn out to be The Kids Are Alright. Couldn't think of a real stand out, but that was such a genius joke (remember, pretending I haven't seen the live show and everything Jon Hamm did on it)

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